Why You Need to Fight Pedophiles Rebranding as Minor Attracted Persons

MAP advocates ride on the success of the LGBTQIA community and liberalism, but there are limits to what society can accept

Michelle Aarons
4 min readSep 16, 2020
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

Our children falling victim to pedophile attacks can probably be considered one of the worst nightmares of any parent. Predatory behavior by such persons can destroy a child’s innocence and leave one scarred for life. We have heard horror stories and recognize the dangers.

I had a near-traumatic experience in my childhood, although I am grateful that it did not progress into anything serious. I have a childhood friend who was scarred for life by a pedophile attack, however.

In many jurisdictions, sex offenders are required to be part of a registry so that the community is warned of the potential dangers.

Just recently, pedophiles have become more visible, hoping to gain acceptance and sympathy from society. This stems from the successes that the LGBTQIA community has had in terms of gaining wider acceptance from the global community after being shunned for so long.

Persons with predispositions toward sexual attraction for children and minors now believe they should be accorded the same benefit. Since the word “pedophile”…



Michelle Aarons

Copywriter and digital marketer since 2005; I have ghostwritten on Forbes, Entrepreneur, The Next Web, and more. Friend, lover, mother, and cat momma.